Linux Speed up your Website by Converting your Images to WebP from Terminal WebP is a web optimized image format that can significantly speed up how fast your site loads. Let's look at how it works.
🪢 How to make a Symbolic Link on Linux Linux Symbolic links are aliases which link to specific files or folders in a file system from somewhere else. Let's look at how to create them on Linux and Mac
💬 How to Rename Files in Linux and MacOS Terminal Linux Renaming files is one of the most basic operations you can do in terminal. Let's look at which commands to use and how to rename multiple files on Linux and MacOS terminal.
🏁 How the alias Command works on Linux Linux The alias command helps improve efficiency by letting us create custom commands which we can use in our current session. Let's look at how it works.
How the find Command works on Linux Linux On Linux and Unix based systems, find is used to get information on certain files and directories. Let's look at how it works.
How the chown Command works on Linux Linux The chown command is closely linked to chmod, and is used to change the owner and group of files and directories. Let's look at how it works.
How the mv Command works on Linux Linux The mv command lets us move files from one location to another on Linux and other Unix like systems like MacOS. Let's look at how it works.
How the cp Command works on Linux Linux The cp command is used to copy files and documents on Linux and other Unix like systems like MacOS. Let's look at how it works.
How the touch Command works on Linux Linux The touch command lets us create files, or update the access or modified date of a file. Let's look at how it works on Linux and other Unix systems like MacOS.
How the which Command works on Linux Linux The which command on Linux and Unix systems helps us find where software is installed. Let's look at how it works.
How the cat Command works on Linux Linux On Linux and Unix like systems, the cat command is short for concatenate, and it lets us concatenate files. Let's look at how it works
Reference: Non Printable Characters List Linux Non printable characters are characters which represent how a document should be formatted or appear. Let's take a look at them..